Life Is Rude and Always Will Be. But How You Handle It Is What Defines You. Put On A Smile Be Positive.

Put on a smile

Picture Credits: Amisha Upadhyay

Whatever happened to all your smiles?
Are they hidden under the covers
where you cried yourself to sleep each night,
or tucked in the corners of the stories
you read to try and distract yourself
from the depressing reality?

Are they stuck in holes & cracks
in the paths you walk along each day,
or neatly folded away
in the back of your closet?
These smiles are like pennies
just lying on the ground
waiting for you to pick them up,
but are you even looking at them
Or just walking away.

And what of your laughter?
Has that also disappeared?
Is it stored in the bottles or locked up in a music box you never open?
Do you care that your heart gets heavier
with each passing day,
you spend without happiness?
You fall deeper and deeper
into depression with each tear you cry.

You are being blinded by the sorrows
so that you can't feel yourself falling down into a darkness you can't ever leave.
Are you lying to yourself,
saying every thing's fine,
when it's actually the opposite?
Just take off all those masks you wear,
and put on a smile.

                                                                                    By - Amisha Upadhyay
Thank you for your time.


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