9 Types of drivers you meet on Road
9 Types of Drivers you meet on Road Doesn’t matter if you know driving or not, you all have at least traveled on roads (obviously). The way you drive reflects your personality. If you are a confident type of person in your life, you will drive in a good speed (Actual needed speed). But if you are less confident, you will drive slowly. And if you are over confident, than you must be driving in more than needed speed (Dabang in short). Well these were types of drivers based on personality (Confidence level). Though you will find many hilarious types of driver on road. Here are the 9 types of driver you definitely will meet on road. Let’s start. 1) The Fast and Furious: People under this category are always in hurry, hurry to be at any random place. They are actually the Flash of the roads. They drive fearlessly as if the particular vehicle doesn’t belong to them. These are the people who mostly get into accidents. They, not only injure themselves but their ve...