8 Types of Newspaper Reader
8 Types of Newspaper Reader Everyone in this world does read newspaper. Newspapers are your daily news feed about the current world; it enhances your general knowledge and helps to improve your language. But then, here we are talking about every person who reads newspaper and every person is not same. Everyone is different and so their traits. Therefore everyone have their own way to read newspapers. Here are some 8 types of newspaper reader I noticed around me. Let’s start. 1) Sports Lovers: People who play sports do have interests in sports affairs too. Not only people who play sports, but also people who watch sports on TV have sports part as their favorite part of the newspaper. They read only the sports part, rest is waste for them. 2) Politics Lovers: Generally our father and mother are the one who comes into this category. They read every political news, no matter national or international news, they have to read them all....