
Showing posts with the label Types

Do You Like Winters? Like Who Don't! Still If You Don't Got That Love Then Check These 10 Reasons That Will Make you Love Winters.

10 Reasons to Love Winters PC: Amisha Upadhyay Now before you start reading this, check out 10 Reasons to Hate Summers  . Trust me you will feel better now. 😁😂 Now winters are there finally, actually it’s been there for a long time, OK  well.😅 So I am here with 10 reasons why everyone should love winters because who don’t. You don’t? Waaat? Really? 😑😱Then try Africa my friend.😔 Okay so let’s start with awesomatic reasons for which you have been excited. You were right?🙆 I know you were, or did you just scrolled down!? Hey? Hello?😲😯 This paragraph deserves some respect too. Well I don’t think you will read this so let’s start.😂😂 1) No Worries for Electricity Cuts and Their Lovely Bills.   Sir/Mam, if you are very passionate about paying electricity bills then you won’t go with this point. But normally people don’t like bills especially when it comes to electricity. In winters you hardly use any appliances except, TV, laptop o...

8 Types of Newspaper Reader

8 Types of Newspaper Reader Everyone in this world does read newspaper. Newspapers are your daily news feed about the current world; it enhances your general knowledge and helps to improve your language. But then, here we are talking about every person who reads newspaper and every person is not same. Everyone is different and so their traits. Therefore everyone have their own way to read newspapers. Here are some 8 types of newspaper reader I noticed around me. Let’s start. 1) Sports Lovers: People who play sports do have interests in sports affairs too. Not only people who play sports, but also people who watch sports on TV have sports part as their favorite part of the newspaper. They read only the sports part, rest is waste for them. 2) Politics Lovers: Generally our father and mother are the one who comes into this category. They read every political news, no matter national or international news, they have to read them all....

9 Types of drivers you meet on Road

9 Types of Drivers you meet on Road Doesn’t matter if you know driving or not, you all have at least traveled on roads (obviously). The way you drive reflects your personality. If you are a confident type of person in your life, you will drive in a good speed (Actual needed speed). But if you are less confident, you will drive slowly. And if you are over confident, than you must be driving in more than needed speed (Dabang in short). Well these were types of drivers based on personality (Confidence level). Though you will find many hilarious types of driver on road. Here are the 9 types of driver you definitely will meet on road. Let’s start. 1) The Fast and Furious: People under this category are always in hurry, hurry to be at any random place. They are actually the Flash of the roads. They drive fearlessly as if the particular vehicle doesn’t belong to them. These are the people who mostly get into accidents. They, not only injure themselves but their ve...

15 Types of Facebook users

15 Types of Facebook users I am using facebook from at least 6 years and by this time I have experienced many different types of people on this social networking site. Facebook in initial years was a great help to people, but as it got more popular, many different kinds of people started making their Facebook account. Now some people know how to use this site, but some really need to know how to use it.  So here are the 15 types of people I have come across since I got on Facebook. .                                                                  Which one is you ?           1) The News Reader ...