How living in a slum can be according to you? BAD! POOR! WORST! But Why?

Life in a Slum. Wanna Experience it?

The parts of the cities, where these slums are located, are congested, as they are over populated. The conditions of the slum areas in metropolitan cities have deteriorated to such an extent due to the high density of population that the people there hardly enjoy even the basic amenities. The lanes are narrow and the houses are nothing but a single room tenement without the facilities of an open courtyard or an enclosure, thus depriving the people of natural gifts like sunshine and air.

Living conditions in many urban slums are worse than those in the poorest rural areas of the country. This can be attributed pardy to the slum’s exceptionally unhealthy environment. Many of the most serious diseases in cities are ‘environmental’ because they are transmitted through air, water, soil and food or through insect or animal vectors.

 In Mumbai for example, the slum dwellers account for 50% of the population but they occupy only 6% of the city’s land area. Delhi has the third largest slum population in the nation lodges 35 lakh people in 1000 slums.

The main objective of slum upgrading is to alleviate the poor living standards of slum dwellers. They point to the difficulties in providing the necessary resources either in a way that is beneficial to the slum-dwellers.

Government is to provide affordable ‘Housing for All’ urban poor and slum dwellers in India
Government has given its approval for the launch of the ‘Housing for All by 2022’ scheme paving the way for affordable homes to the urban poor and slum dwellers at low interest rates.

Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi accepted the recommendations of an Inter-Ministerial Committee to increase interest subvention to 6.50 per cent on housing loans to beneficiaries belonging to economic weaker section (EWS) including slum-dwellers and low income groups (LIGs).

The Cabinet’s decision will benefit the urban poor by an amount of nearly Rs 2.30 lakh each.
Efforts done by government and many NGOs are appreciable but the thing to be noted is how much is it improving the status and at what speed.

Everything is happening just to say , in reality slums still exist and in a large number.
Betterment is possible only when we, the normal people will start taking  initiative to raise our society and make it a better place to live for all. Stop being selfish and helping others without any greed . They need economic and developmental help from government with all the human rights like any other person.


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